Audi Genuine Accessories Service

Third-Party License Information

(grouped by licenses)

EPL-1.0 GNU Lesser General Public License

logback-core, version 1.2.10

logback-classic, version 1.2.10


javassist, version 3.26.0-GA

mchange-commons-java, version 0.2.15

c3p0, version

Unicode/ICU License

icu4j, version 70.1


xml-apis, version 1.4.01

Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

rhino, version 1.7.12

GNU General Public Library

stax-api, version 1.0-2

Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed

jdom2, version 2.0.6

Apache-2.0 MIT

logstash-logback-encoder, version 5.1


hibernate-ehcache, version 5.6.3.Final

hibernate-commons-annotations, version 5.1.2.Final

hibernate-core, version 5.6.3.Final


annotate, version 2.9.0

jjwt-jackson, version 0.11.2

jjwt-impl, version 0.11.2

jjwt-api, version 0.11.2

FastInfoset, version 1.2.18

jollyday, version 0.5.10

xercesImpl, version 2.12.0

commons-fileupload, version 1.4

fluent-hc, version 4.5.12

commons-beanutils, version 1.9.3

spring-data-jpa, version 2.1.19.RELEASE

validation-api, version 2.0.1.Final

jaxb-fluent-api, version 2.1.8

jaxb2-commons-lang, version 2.4

httpmime, version 4.5.13

jempbox, version 1.8.16

jsr305, version 3.0.2

JavaEWAH, version 1.1.6

byte-buddy, version 1.12.7

objenesis, version 3.0.1

caffeine, version 3.0.6

commons-csv, version 1.9.0

metadata-extractor, version

httpmime, version 4.5.12

mime-util, version 2.1.3

dozer-core, version 6.5.0

commons-pool2, version 2.6.2

javax.inject, version 1

spring-mobile-device, version 1.1.5.RELEASE

spring-security-config, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-security-acl, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-security-taglibs, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

cache-api, version 1.1.1

spring-aspects, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

flyway-core, version 5.2.4

swagger-ui, version 3.24.3

jackson-dataformat-yaml, version 2.13.4

swagger-core, version 2.1.0

swagger-integration, version 2.1.0

swagger-models, version 2.1.0

springdoc-openapi-common, version 1.2.17

springdoc-openapi-webmvc-core, version 1.2.17

springdoc-openapi-ui, version 1.2.17

spring-hateoas, version 0.25.2.RELEASE

jackson-module-mrbean, version 2.11.2

jackson-datatype-jsr310, version 2.11.2

jackson-datatype-jdk8, version 2.11.2

jackson-module-jsonSchema, version 2.11.2

spring-security-oauth2, version 2.5.0.RELEASE

spring-websocket, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

graphql-java-kickstart, version 12.0.0

graphql-java-servlet, version 12.0.0

jackson-module-kotlin, version 2.13.4

java-dataloader, version 3.1.0

kotlinx-coroutines-reactive, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlinx-coroutines-core, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlin-reflect, version 1.5.0

kotlin-stdlib-common, version 1.5.0

annotations, version 13.0

kotlin-stdlib, version 1.5.0

woodstox-core-asl, version 4.4.1

opencsv, version 2.3

spring-beans, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-expression, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

mongo-java-driver, version 3.11.0

spring-data-commons, version 2.1.19.RELEASE

spring-data-mongodb, version 2.1.19.RELEASE

quality-check, version 1.3

uadetector-core, version 2016.10.NMAG

uadetector-resources, version 2016.10.NMAG

msgpack-core, version 0.8.22

jackson-dataformat-msgpack, version 0.8.22

jackson-datatype-joda, version 2.11.2

json-sanitizer, version 1.2.2

tiles-compat, version 3.0.8

tiles-ognl, version 3.0.8

tiles-mvel, version 3.0.8

tiles-el, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-velocity, version 1.0.7

velocity, version 1.6.2

velocity-tools, version 2.0

tiles-velocity, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-freemarker, version 1.0.7

tiles-freemarker, version 3.0.8

compiler, version 0.8.4

tiles-request-mustache, version 1.0.7

tiles-request-servlet-wildcard, version 1.0.7

tiles-extras, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-jsp, version 1.0.7

tiles-autotag-core-runtime, version 1.2

tiles-template, version 3.0.8

tiles-jsp, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-servlet, version 1.0.7

tiles-servlet, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-api, version 1.0.7

tiles-api, version 3.0.8

tiles-core, version 3.0.8

jakarta.validation-api, version 2.0.2

hibernate-validator, version 6.2.1.Final

spring-security-web, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-webmvc, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

swagger-annotations, version 2.1.6

xml-apis, version 1.4.01

fastjson, version 1.2.7

lucene-sandbox, version 8.9.0

lucene-queryparser, version 8.9.0

lucene-queries, version 8.9.0

lucene-memory, version 8.9.0

lucene-highlighter, version 8.9.0

lucene-suggest, version 8.9.0

lucene-core, version 8.9.0

tagsoup, version 1.2.1

tika-core, version 1.27

tika-parsers, version 1.27

xmlbeans, version 3.1.0

poi-ooxml-schemas, version 4.1.2

poi-ooxml, version 4.1.2

SparseBitSet, version 1.2

commons-math3, version 3.6.1

poi, version 4.1.2

commons-compress, version 1.21

spring-context, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

commons-text, version 1.9

commons-net, version 3.8.0

jackson-module-parameter-names, version 2.13.4

profiler, version 1.1.1

metrics-jvm, version 4.1.12

metrics-json, version 4.1.12

metrics-healthchecks, version 4.1.12

metrics-servlets, version 4.1.12

metrics-core, version 4.1.12

kryo-serializers, version 0.45

lucene-analyzers-common, version 8.9.0

jackson-datatype-guava, version 2.11.2

hppc, version 0.8.2

spring-oxm, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-xml, version 2.4.7.RELEASE

spring-ws-core, version 2.4.7.RELEASE

commons-io, version 2.11.0

HikariCP-java7, version 2.4.13

quartz, version 2.3.2

ehcache, version 2.10.6

classmate, version 1.5.1

jandex, version 2.2.3.Final

jboss-logging, version 3.4.2.Final

commons-collections, version 3.2.2

commons-digester, version 1.8.1

commons-beanutils, version 1.9.4

commons-validator, version 1.7

spring-boot, version 2.1.16.RELEASE

spring-boot-actuator, version 2.1.16.RELEASE

spring-context-support, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-security-core, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-aop, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-web, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-orm, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-jdbc, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-jcl, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-core, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

jose4j, version 0.7.9

commons-collections4, version 4.4

snakeyaml, version 1.29

client-java-proto, version 14.0.0

gson-fire, version 1.8.5

gson, version 2.8.9

kotlin-stdlib-jdk7, version 1.4.10

kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, version 1.4.10

logging-interceptor, version 4.9.1

okio, version 2.8.0

okhttp, version 4.9.1

swagger-annotations, version 1.6.3

client-java-api, version 14.0.0

simpleclient_common, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_httpserver, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_tracer_otel_agent, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_tracer_common, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_tracer_otel, version 0.12.0

simpleclient, version 0.12.0

client-java, version 14.0.0

hazelcast-kubernetes, version 2.2.3

hazelcast-spring, version 5.1.1

hazelcast, version 5.1.1

joda-time, version 2.10.13

spring-tx, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

rxjava, version 1.3.8

commons-lang, version 2.6

commons-configuration, version 1.8

archaius-core, version 0.4.1

hystrix-core, version 1.5.18

freemarker, version 2.3.30

jackson-core, version 2.13.4

jackson-annotations, version 2.11.2

jackson-databind, version 2.11.2

j2objc-annotations, version 1.3

error_prone_annotations, version 2.11.0

listenablefuture, version 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava

failureaccess, version 1.0.1

guava, version 31.1-jre

commons-lang3, version 3.12.0

commons-codec, version 1.15

httpcore, version 4.4.13

httpclient, version 4.5.13

FastInfoset, version 1.2.13


simplemagic, version 1.16


log4j-over-slf4j, version 1.7.28


istack-commons-runtime, version 2.24

jaxb-api, version 2.4.0-b180830.0359

istack-commons-runtime, version 3.0.5

jaxb-api, version 2.3.0

Common Public License Version 1.0

system-rules, version 1.19.0


automaton, version 1.11-8

antlr4-runtime, version 4.9.2

stax2-api, version 3.1.4

Common Development and Distribution License

jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec, version 1.1.1.Final


FastInfoset, version 1.2.18

threeten-extra, version 1.5.0

jaxb-impl, version 3.0.1

jakarta.activation, version 2.0.1

jakarta.xml.bind-api, version 3.0.1

jaxb-core, version 3.0.1

jzlib, version 1.1.1

org.eclipse.jgit, version

xmpcore-shaded, version 6.1.11

jsch, version 0.1.55

reflections, version 0.9.12

curvesapi, version 1.06

xstream, version 1.4.19

minlog, version 1.3.1

reflectasm, version 1.11.9

kryo, version 5.4.0

javax.persistence-api, version 2.2

protobuf-java, version 3.19.1


dnsjava, version 2.1.9

The GNU General Public License v2 with FOSS exception

mysql-connector-java, version 8.0.28


stax-api, version 1.0-2

activation, version 1.1.1

Public Domain

xmlpull, version

GNU Lesser General Public License

logback-core, version 1.2.3

uadetector-core, version 2016.10.NMAG

Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License

mxparser, version 1.2.2

GNU Lesser Public License

annotations, version 1.3.9

annotations, version 3.0.0

BSD-Style License

jaxb2-basics-tools, version 1.11.1

jaxb2-basics-runtime, version 1.11.1

jaxb2-basics, version 1.11.1

Bouncy Castle Licence

bcprov-jdk15on, version 1.69

bcprov-jdk15on, version 1.70

bcutil-jdk15on, version 1.69

bcpkix-jdk15on, version 1.69

bcprov-ext-jdk15on, version 1.69


logback-core, version 1.2.3

aspectjrt, version 1.9.6

aspectjtools, version 1.9.6

mchange-commons-java, version 0.2.15

c3p0, version

javax.persistence-api, version 2.2


istack-commons-runtime, version 2.24

jaxb-api, version 2.4.0-b180830.0359

jaxb-runtime, version

istack-commons-runtime, version 3.0.5

txw2, version

jaxb-api, version 2.3.0

jaxb-core, version


reflections, version 0.9.12


javassist, version 3.26.0-GA


jsoup, version 1.12.2

jedis, version 3.3.0

jul-to-slf4j, version 1.7.28

classgraph, version 4.8.53

webjars-locator-core, version 0.43

webjars-locator, version 0.38

federation-graphql-java-support-api, version 0.9.0

federation-graphql-java-support, version 0.9.0

graphql-java-extended-scalars, version 17.0

graphql-java, version 17.3

graphql-java-tools, version 12.0.2

jsoup, version 1.14.3

jcl-over-slf4j, version 1.7.28

lombok, version 1.18.24

slf4j-api, version 1.7.30

checker-qual, version 3.12.0


reactive-streams, version 1.0.2

HdrHistogram, version 2.1.9

ISC/BSD License

jbcrypt, version 0.3m

GNU General Public License Version 2 with the Classpath Exception

jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec, version 1.1.1.Final

BSD License 2.0

jaxen, version 2.0.0

*The prices shown are recommended customer prices as of January 1, 2024, in € including VAT, excluding installation and labour, while stocks last. These prices may vary when selecting an Audi Partner; additional charges may apply if installation or genuine Audi parts are required. For further information, please contact your customer advisor at your Audi Service Partner.