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Third-Party License Information

(grouped by licenses)

EPL-1.0 GNU Lesser General Public License

logback-core, version 1.2.10

logback-classic, version 1.2.10


javassist, version 3.26.0-GA

mchange-commons-java, version 0.2.15

c3p0, version

Unicode/ICU License

icu4j, version 70.1


xml-apis, version 1.4.01

Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

rhino, version 1.7.12

GNU General Public Library

stax-api, version 1.0-2

Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed

jdom2, version 2.0.6

Apache-2.0 MIT

logstash-logback-encoder, version 5.1


hibernate-ehcache, version 5.6.3.Final

hibernate-commons-annotations, version 5.1.2.Final

hibernate-core, version 5.6.3.Final


annotate, version 2.9.0

jjwt-jackson, version 0.11.2

jjwt-impl, version 0.11.2

jjwt-api, version 0.11.2

FastInfoset, version 1.2.18

jollyday, version 0.5.10

xercesImpl, version 2.12.0

commons-fileupload, version 1.4

fluent-hc, version 4.5.12

commons-beanutils, version 1.9.3

spring-data-jpa, version 2.1.19.RELEASE

validation-api, version 2.0.1.Final

jaxb-fluent-api, version 2.1.8

jaxb2-commons-lang, version 2.4

httpmime, version 4.5.13

jempbox, version 1.8.16

jsr305, version 3.0.2

JavaEWAH, version 1.1.6

byte-buddy, version 1.12.7

objenesis, version 3.0.1

caffeine, version 3.0.6

commons-csv, version 1.9.0

metadata-extractor, version

httpmime, version 4.5.12

mime-util, version 2.1.3

dozer-core, version 6.5.0

commons-pool2, version 2.6.2

javax.inject, version 1

spring-mobile-device, version 1.1.5.RELEASE

spring-security-config, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-security-acl, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-security-taglibs, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

cache-api, version 1.1.1

spring-aspects, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

flyway-core, version 5.2.4

swagger-ui, version 3.24.3

jackson-dataformat-yaml, version 2.13.4

swagger-core, version 2.1.0

swagger-integration, version 2.1.0

swagger-models, version 2.1.0

springdoc-openapi-common, version 1.2.17

springdoc-openapi-webmvc-core, version 1.2.17

springdoc-openapi-ui, version 1.2.17

spring-hateoas, version 0.25.2.RELEASE

jackson-module-mrbean, version 2.11.2

jackson-datatype-jsr310, version 2.11.2

jackson-datatype-jdk8, version 2.11.2

jackson-module-jsonSchema, version 2.11.2

spring-security-oauth2, version 2.5.0.RELEASE

spring-websocket, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

graphql-java-kickstart, version 12.0.0

graphql-java-servlet, version 12.0.0

jackson-module-kotlin, version 2.13.4

java-dataloader, version 3.1.0

kotlinx-coroutines-reactive, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlinx-coroutines-core, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8, version 1.5.0-native-mt

kotlin-reflect, version 1.5.0

kotlin-stdlib-common, version 1.5.0

annotations, version 13.0

kotlin-stdlib, version 1.5.0

woodstox-core-asl, version 4.4.1

opencsv, version 2.3

spring-beans, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-expression, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

mongo-java-driver, version 3.11.0

spring-data-commons, version 2.1.19.RELEASE

spring-data-mongodb, version 2.1.19.RELEASE

quality-check, version 1.3

uadetector-core, version 2016.10.NMAG

uadetector-resources, version 2016.10.NMAG

msgpack-core, version 0.8.22

jackson-dataformat-msgpack, version 0.8.22

jackson-datatype-joda, version 2.11.2

json-sanitizer, version 1.2.2

tiles-compat, version 3.0.8

tiles-ognl, version 3.0.8

tiles-mvel, version 3.0.8

tiles-el, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-velocity, version 1.0.7

velocity, version 1.6.2

velocity-tools, version 2.0

tiles-velocity, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-freemarker, version 1.0.7

tiles-freemarker, version 3.0.8

compiler, version 0.8.4

tiles-request-mustache, version 1.0.7

tiles-request-servlet-wildcard, version 1.0.7

tiles-extras, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-jsp, version 1.0.7

tiles-autotag-core-runtime, version 1.2

tiles-template, version 3.0.8

tiles-jsp, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-servlet, version 1.0.7

tiles-servlet, version 3.0.8

tiles-request-api, version 1.0.7

tiles-api, version 3.0.8

tiles-core, version 3.0.8

jakarta.validation-api, version 2.0.2

hibernate-validator, version 6.2.1.Final

spring-security-web, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-webmvc, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

swagger-annotations, version 2.1.6

xml-apis, version 1.4.01

fastjson, version 1.2.7

lucene-sandbox, version 8.9.0

lucene-queryparser, version 8.9.0

lucene-queries, version 8.9.0

lucene-memory, version 8.9.0

lucene-highlighter, version 8.9.0

lucene-suggest, version 8.9.0

lucene-core, version 8.9.0

tagsoup, version 1.2.1

tika-core, version 1.27

tika-parsers, version 1.27

xmlbeans, version 3.1.0

poi-ooxml-schemas, version 4.1.2

poi-ooxml, version 4.1.2

SparseBitSet, version 1.2

commons-math3, version 3.6.1

poi, version 4.1.2

commons-compress, version 1.21

spring-context, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

commons-text, version 1.9

commons-net, version 3.8.0

jackson-module-parameter-names, version 2.13.4

profiler, version 1.1.1

metrics-jvm, version 4.1.12

metrics-json, version 4.1.12

metrics-healthchecks, version 4.1.12

metrics-servlets, version 4.1.12

metrics-core, version 4.1.12

kryo-serializers, version 0.45

lucene-analyzers-common, version 8.9.0

jackson-datatype-guava, version 2.11.2

hppc, version 0.8.2

spring-oxm, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-xml, version 2.4.7.RELEASE

spring-ws-core, version 2.4.7.RELEASE

commons-io, version 2.11.0

HikariCP-java7, version 2.4.13

quartz, version 2.3.2

ehcache, version 2.10.6

classmate, version 1.5.1

jandex, version 2.2.3.Final

jboss-logging, version 3.4.2.Final

commons-collections, version 3.2.2

commons-digester, version 1.8.1

commons-beanutils, version 1.9.4

commons-validator, version 1.7

spring-boot, version 2.1.16.RELEASE

spring-boot-actuator, version 2.1.16.RELEASE

spring-context-support, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-security-core, version 5.1.13.RELEASE

spring-aop, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-web, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-orm, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-jdbc, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-jcl, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

spring-core, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

jose4j, version 0.7.9

commons-collections4, version 4.4

snakeyaml, version 1.29

client-java-proto, version 14.0.0

gson-fire, version 1.8.5

gson, version 2.8.9

kotlin-stdlib-jdk7, version 1.4.10

kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, version 1.4.10

logging-interceptor, version 4.9.1

okio, version 2.8.0

okhttp, version 4.9.1

swagger-annotations, version 1.6.3

client-java-api, version 14.0.0

simpleclient_common, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_httpserver, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_tracer_otel_agent, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_tracer_common, version 0.12.0

simpleclient_tracer_otel, version 0.12.0

simpleclient, version 0.12.0

client-java, version 14.0.0

hazelcast-kubernetes, version 2.2.3

hazelcast-spring, version 5.1.1

hazelcast, version 5.1.1

joda-time, version 2.10.13

spring-tx, version 5.1.20.RELEASE

rxjava, version 1.3.8

commons-lang, version 2.6

commons-configuration, version 1.8

archaius-core, version 0.4.1

hystrix-core, version 1.5.18

freemarker, version 2.3.30

jackson-core, version 2.13.4

jackson-annotations, version 2.11.2

jackson-databind, version 2.11.2

j2objc-annotations, version 1.3

error_prone_annotations, version 2.11.0

listenablefuture, version 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava

failureaccess, version 1.0.1

guava, version 31.1-jre

commons-lang3, version 3.12.0

commons-codec, version 1.15

httpcore, version 4.4.13

httpclient, version 4.5.13

FastInfoset, version 1.2.13


simplemagic, version 1.16


log4j-over-slf4j, version 1.7.28


istack-commons-runtime, version 2.24

jaxb-api, version 2.4.0-b180830.0359

istack-commons-runtime, version 3.0.5

jaxb-api, version 2.3.0

Common Public License Version 1.0

system-rules, version 1.19.0


automaton, version 1.11-8

antlr4-runtime, version 4.9.2

stax2-api, version 3.1.4

Common Development and Distribution License

jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec, version 1.1.1.Final


FastInfoset, version 1.2.18

threeten-extra, version 1.5.0

jaxb-impl, version 3.0.1

jakarta.activation, version 2.0.1

jakarta.xml.bind-api, version 3.0.1

jaxb-core, version 3.0.1

jzlib, version 1.1.1

org.eclipse.jgit, version

xmpcore-shaded, version 6.1.11

jsch, version 0.1.55

reflections, version 0.9.12

curvesapi, version 1.06

xstream, version 1.4.19

minlog, version 1.3.1

reflectasm, version 1.11.9

kryo, version 5.4.0

javax.persistence-api, version 2.2

protobuf-java, version 3.19.1


dnsjava, version 2.1.9

The GNU General Public License v2 with FOSS exception

mysql-connector-java, version 8.0.28


stax-api, version 1.0-2

activation, version 1.1.1

Public Domain

xmlpull, version

GNU Lesser General Public License

logback-core, version 1.2.3

uadetector-core, version 2016.10.NMAG

Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License

mxparser, version 1.2.2

GNU Lesser Public License

annotations, version 1.3.9

annotations, version 3.0.0

BSD-Style License

jaxb2-basics-tools, version 1.11.1

jaxb2-basics-runtime, version 1.11.1

jaxb2-basics, version 1.11.1

Bouncy Castle Licence

bcprov-jdk15on, version 1.69

bcprov-jdk15on, version 1.70

bcutil-jdk15on, version 1.69

bcpkix-jdk15on, version 1.69

bcprov-ext-jdk15on, version 1.69


logback-core, version 1.2.3

aspectjrt, version 1.9.6

aspectjtools, version 1.9.6

mchange-commons-java, version 0.2.15

c3p0, version

javax.persistence-api, version 2.2


istack-commons-runtime, version 2.24

jaxb-api, version 2.4.0-b180830.0359

jaxb-runtime, version

istack-commons-runtime, version 3.0.5

txw2, version

jaxb-api, version 2.3.0

jaxb-core, version


reflections, version 0.9.12


javassist, version 3.26.0-GA


jsoup, version 1.12.2

jedis, version 3.3.0

jul-to-slf4j, version 1.7.28

classgraph, version 4.8.53

webjars-locator-core, version 0.43

webjars-locator, version 0.38

federation-graphql-java-support-api, version 0.9.0

federation-graphql-java-support, version 0.9.0

graphql-java-extended-scalars, version 17.0

graphql-java, version 17.3

graphql-java-tools, version 12.0.2

jsoup, version 1.14.3

jcl-over-slf4j, version 1.7.28

lombok, version 1.18.24

slf4j-api, version 1.7.30

checker-qual, version 3.12.0


reactive-streams, version 1.0.2

HdrHistogram, version 2.1.9

ISC/BSD License

jbcrypt, version 0.3m

GNU General Public License Version 2 with the Classpath Exception

jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec, version 1.1.1.Final

BSD License 2.0

jaxen, version 2.0.0

Products shown are subject to availability. We make no guarantee that the products shown will be in stock and available at all or any Audi Centres. Please contact your selected Audi Centre to confirm availability before you visit (using the 'Make an enquiry' button). Products are not available to purchase on this site and you will need to visit your local Audi Centre to make your purchase. If you decide to purchase a product, then the agreement for the purchase will be between you and the applicable Audi Centre. We (Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited) do not enter into these agreements and, as we are not a party to them, do not have any obligations under them. Products shown may not be compatible with your specific Audi vehicle and/or may require the purchase of other options or accessories. Prices displayed are the recommended retail price (RRP). The actual price payable by you will be determined by the applicable Audi Centre and, therefore, is subject to change. Additional costs may be incurred due to e.g. installation of the product (all products with fitting requirements could be affected by additional costs). Always speak to the Audi Centre to confirm the most up to date availability, price and any restrictions on compatibility, before placing your order.